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Mass/Prayer Services

Class Masses

Weekly school Mass will be held each Tuesday at 8:15am, unless a liturgical event is held the same week (i.e. All Saints’ Day) or school is not in session. Students receive the Eucharist, learn scripture passages (and connect them to classroom learning), and learn Gospel values through the Homily. Each class prepares a liturgy for the school following the church’s calendar.

Family Masses

The school community comes together for a whole school Mass or prayer service monthly, and each liturgical event is planned by different grades, with school parents and the parish community invited to attend. Each class also prepares a Sunday Family Liturgy at least once per year in the St. Finn Barr parish in order to feel connected to and responsible for the Catholic community.

2024-2025 Family Mass Schedule

Sunday, October 27Family Mass hosted by 8th grade
Sunday, November 17Family Mass hosed by 7th grade
Sunday, January 26Catholic Schools Week - Family Mass hosted by 2nd & 6th grade
Sunday, February 23Family Mass hosted by 5th grade
Sunday, March 23Family Mass hosted by 3rd & 4th grade
Sunday, May 4First Holy Communion (2nd grade)
Saturday, TBDConfirmation (8th grade) - Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Assumption

Feast of St. Finn Barr

The parish and school community join together in celebration of the Feast Day of St. Finn Barr in September each year, with a special unity mass in the Church followed by a festival in the schoolyard.

Blessing of the Animals

We celebrate the Feast Day of the patron of our city, St. Francis of Assisi, with a Blessing of the Animals during morning assembly. All families are invited to bring a leashed/caged animal (stuffed animals/photographs are also allowed) to campus this morning to receive a blessing from our Pastor.

All Saints Day Mass

Students celebrate All Saints Day by writing reports on the Saints and the 4th grade class dresses as Saints for a special Litany of the Saints.

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

December 12th is the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Our 7th grade class leads the school in a prayer service to commemorate the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe to Juan Diego. The students perform a skit for the school during the morning prayer service and again in the evening for the Spanish Mass, telling the story of the apparition on the Tepeyac Hill on December 9, 1531.

Grandparents/Special Persons Day Prayer Service

During Catholic Schools Week, we hold a prayer service to honor the Grandparents and Special Persons in our students' lives. We are thankful for the love and support they give to St. Finn Barr Catholic School and parish.

Christmas Eve Childrens Mass

Children from our school and Parish community are involved in the readings, processional, choir and reenactment of the Nativity.

Ash Wednesday

Students receive ashes on Ash Wednesday, and come together in observation of the Lenten disciplines of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.

Christmas Eve Childrens Mass

Children from our school and Parish community are involved in the readings, processional, choir and reenactment of the Nativity.

Ash Wednesday

Students receive ashes on Ash Wednesday, and come together in observation of the Lenten disciplines of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.

May Crowning

In May, we honor the Blessed Mother during the May Crowning Mass. The second graders come to school in their First Holy Communion attire and class representatives from each grade bring flowers to present to Mary.