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Tuition Information

Tuition for St. Finn Barr Catholic School for 2024-2025

The following tuition plan has been approved for the 2024-2025 school year. A non-refundable student registration fee of $550.00* is due for each student.

Participating Family*
Families who choose to participate in school fundraisers and
complete a minimum of 30 hours per school year.
1 Child$8,900.00
2 Children$16,470.00
3 Children$23,034.00

Participating Family
Families who choose NOT to participate in school fundraisers
or complete 30 parent hours per school year.
1 Child$10,763.00
2 Children$18,643.00
3 Children$25,208.00

*Participating Family

All participating families are required to participate in mandatory fundraising events set forth by the school administration and complete a minimum of 30 hours of volunteer service to the school. This may include - volunteering at school events, being an event lead, chaperoning field trips, volunteering for our Athletics program by coaching/being a team parent.

Payment Schedule Options*:

  • 1 Payment before July 20, 2024 = 4% discount on amount paid + FACTS Admin Fee
  • 4 Annual Payments = 4 automatic withdrawal payments. July 2024, October 2024, January 2025, April 2025 + FACTS Admin Fee
  • 11 Payments = 11 automatic withdrawal payments. July 2024 – May 2025 + FACTS Admin Fee
  • 12 Payments (for students in grades K-7 only) = 12 automatic withdrawal payments. July 2024 – June 2025 + FACTS Admin Fee

* Automatic withdrawal required, unless approved in writing by school administration.

FACTS Tuition: All families must register and pay tuition through FACTS tuition (including the $43 FACTS administrative fee). Payments may be made by mail, web, or telephone. Automatic debit is required for all but single payments.

Financial Aid Note: Parents are responsible for the full monthly payments, until scholarships have been processed by the school. Once the scholarship is cleared, the discount will be applied to the remaining months in the payment plan.

Registration Fee: $550.00
8th Gr. Graduation Fee: $100.00
