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Volunteer Policy: All volunteers and chaperones must have a completed LiveScan on file with the school and completed the Virtus online course, "Protecting God's Children 4.0" (which expires every three years) at For more information about volunteer/chaperone procedures, please click here.

Participating Family Commitment

By agreeing to be a participating family, you understand that St. Finn Barr Catholic School relies on the active involvement of parents in events that enrich our school community and enhance our students' educational journey.

Each participating family is expected to contribute a total of 30 hours, with a minimum of 20 hours dedicated to volunteering and up to 10 hours available for contribution through monetary donations for the year. Listed below are the mandatory events where parents can fulfill their required hours. Please be aware that certain events necessitate direct volunteer involvement from families to ensure their success.

  • Note: $25 in purchased goods/monetary donation = 1 parent hour. Maximum $100 monetary donations (4 hours) per event.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

St. Finn Barr Festival

Friday, November 15, 2024

SFB Walk-a-thon

Saturday, March 29, 2025

Spring Gala & Auction

*Please note that the Feast Day of St. Finn Barr Festival, SFB Walk-a-thon, and Spring Gala & Auction are mandatory events for participating families.

Volunteer Opportunities

We have a number of exciting events planned for this school year and need your support! Please join us as we look forward to a meaningful and enriching year working together.

For a preview of all of the 2024-2025 planned events, click here! This is a working document and subject to modification.

☘️ Check here throughout the year as volunteer opportunities are added! Sign up links, when available, will also be posted here.


Event Information





Feast of St. Finn Barr Festival

Report Hours

Please use this form to report hours. Any donations reported must be accompanied by a receipt (note eldest student's name and grade on receipt for proper credit).
